
5 Articles

Cognitive Thieves among us

Energy is the ultimate source of everything. All we do as human beings in daily life is transforming one source of energy into another. We consume food that gives us nutrients and energy calories that in turn distributes throughout our body. Then our organism spends the energy to allows us to breathe, makes our heartbeat, allows us to move, allows our brain to think. Energy gives us the ability to work, enjoy our life, and grant enjoyment to those we care about most.

Junior, Middle, and Senior Software Developers - who are they ?

I started wondering who is a Junior, Middle, or Senior Software Developer and what boundaries distinguish them before even writing my first line of code. Moreover, who is the mysterious blacksmith that decides which skill level stamp to put on you and how to make it "S" (Senior) as fast as possible? And I grateful I had this question in my mind before doing any career steps. Curious why?