Remote 🌎

6 Articles

Handling all seasons lifestyle as a remote-first Software Developer

I always believed that the remote-work gives you great flexibility to work with whatever company you want and be wherever you want. One day you are in the office of a busy downtown. Then you decide to spend time in a quiet cottage with a view of a beautiful lake. And the other day, you take off giant waves somewhere in Bali or Australia for a few months. Isn't it amazing? But is it actually that easy to have this lifestyle?

Why self-education and remote work goes hands in hand ? Here are 5 main reasons

What do you think will happen if a fish is taken from their natural environment: water, and put to the land? Well, without millions of years of evolution my prediction is not optimistic regarding the ability of the fish to survive. What would happen if a person whose environment always included different people, in-person communication, and in-person collaboration would enter an environment where they work alone in front of the laptop screen like it is in remote work?