How to learn technologies in bulk or Why-Driven Learning

A chair - I believe you have at least one at home. There are dozens of chair designs, and some of them will make you unsure if it is actually one. But once you know that this is a chair, regardless of whether you have had any experience with this particular chair, you know what to do with it. You will be looking for a way to sit on it. Because you know that the main purpose or "why" of the chair is to hold your butt so you can work or enjoy your time. Why should not it be the same with technologies in Software Development?

Take off your brain waves to accelerate your self-education 🌊🏄‍♂️ 🧠

Have you ever used a revolving door?  The door rotates around a vertical axis within a cylindrical enclosure and usually is at the entrance to modern office buildings. Imagine that this door was rotating automatically during the day with different frequencies. Sometimes it is slow enough that people can enter, sometimes faster and only the bravest trying to enter. And sometimes it spins really fast that even the bravest step back. Did you know that our brain behaves the same way as this door with the difference that the people are the knowledge we trying to acquire during learning?

Why self-education and remote work goes hands in hand ? Here are 5 main reasons

What do you think will happen if a fish is taken from their natural environment: water, and put to the land? Well, without millions of years of evolution my prediction is not optimistic regarding the ability of the fish to survive. What would happen if a person whose environment always included different people, in-person communication, and in-person collaboration would enter an environment where they work alone in front of the laptop screen like it is in remote work?

My Story

Imagine an average guy in his mid 20th, bad in math, no Computer Science degree, or any previous programming experience, without knowing anyone who was a programmer who even barely fluent in English. How it even possible that he can ever become a Software Developer? I am glad you asked, I think I have an answer for you.